health tips plastic bottled water side effects harmful effects on human body

health tips plastic bottled water side effects harmful effects on human body

Side Effects of Bottled Water : From home to office and travel, bottled water has become an important part of our life today. We are using it without any concern. If you are also doing this then it means you are filling ‘poison’ in your body.

An institute named Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has made a frightening revelation in a study. It has been told that there are about 2.40 lakh fine pieces of plastic in one liter of bottled water. Due to which there can be serious and life-threatening danger to health (Bottled Water Harmful Effects).

what is research
In a recent research, researchers have found more than 100,000 nanoplastics in just one liter of water in a plastic bottle. These are such small particles that can reach the blood circulation, cells and brain and can increase many dangers. In such a situation, there is a need to be careful.

Why is water in plastic bottles dangerous?
According to experts, chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates dissolve in the water in plastic bottles. When the water in the bottle comes in contact with sunlight or heat, these chemicals dissolve in the water and reach inside the body and cause harm. Apart from this, plastic is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and chloride, which is used to make BPA plastic water bottles.

What are the dangers of drinking water in plastic bottles?

1. Diabetes and heart risk
According to research by Harvard School of Public Health, water in polycarbonate bottles contains Bisphenol A chemical, which when enters the body, can increase the risk of heart diseases and diabetes manifold.

2. Fertility affected
Drinking water in plastic bottles can have a bad effect on fertility due to the BPA and phthalates chemicals present in it. Drinking this water can also disturb hormonal balance. This can also cause problems like infertility.

3. Risk of cancer
According to experts, drinking water in plastic bottles can increase the risk of many types of cancer. This can cause breast and brain cancer. Eating or drinking hot food kept in plastic polythene can greatly increase the risk of cancer. Drinking this water also poses a risk of diseases like leukemia and lymphoma.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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